Ebooks IN ePUB FORMAT, the KING format

In order to provide the widest hardware compatibilty and to touch the largest range of readers adopting digital books and ebooks, EditingPlus relies on industry standards decided by the professional world association of publishers and therefore provides ebooks in ePUB file format to its customers. ePUB format has been choosen by Apple for the iPad and by Amazon for its Kindle, leaders of the tablets & e-readers able to read ebooks.

The standardised .ePUB file format established by the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) is a warranty for the largest interoperability on electronic tablets and e-readers. Its specifications are made public to all publishers and actors. EditingPlus makes a follow-up of the new and constant technical Improvements, which eases a better support for all types of components, including multimedia.

Ebooks build in the open, non-proprietary ePUB format take benefit of the last and enhanced features made by EditingPlus, which embraces the standards.

By choosing EditingPlus, your decision will ensure the future compatibilty of your digital books and will provide proper ebooks to the majority of your readership.

AUTHoRs, now get published!

EditingPlus handcrafts & transforms your novel or author text manuscript – or here script – into an authentic ebook (or digital book).

Self publishing is now open to all writers and gives you the perspective to find your public and readers using smart phones or tablets and other mobile devices. A cost-saving way to sell your book under your own signature at last.

PublisherS, get in touch with ebooks, the digital books

EditingPlus converts your collection into sophisticated ebooks so you can touch your new readers and fulfil their appetite of reading. Then distribute your digital books on your commercial platforms.

EditingPlus is also able to build totally exclusive special multimedia projects. Take part of the ebook evolution of reading beside our beloved printed masterpieces. Our field of competence covers the transforming of the existing PDF files like building ebooks from basic text files.

let's shine

EditingPlus cooks your material into ebooks: guides, manuals, reports etc. Your message shines like ever on smartphones & mobile tablets, iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices. Your communication takes profit being presented in the technological frames, it increases its popularity. Touch screens abilities create an intimate relation with your public and customers.


iPad takes benefit of ebooks abilities with the ePUB file format, thanks to the free application iBooks by Apple. With EditingPlus, Touch Another Way To Read.

EPUB, the worldwide ebook standard decided
by the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF)

WITH ePublish! EditingPlus gives to your readers another way to read

on iPad, iPhone and other ebooks e-readers and tablets

Libraries and museums, digitalise

When you transform your collection into ePUB format, you ensure its conservation and preservation and make it available in a modern way: digital books like ebooks display on all screens from smart phones to tablets, an ideal solution for nomadism in your establishment or outside. Interactive or virtual visits, incunables or exclusive contents become touchable for readers, researchers, etc… 


ePublish! by EditingPlus provides enhanced ebooks within cutting edge standards and rich media fulfilments: capital letters and all text refinements, optimised pictures & graphics and even more…

EditingPlus is on Facebook


diffErenT, by Editingplus

EditingPlus seeks to aim excellence by making immersive ebooks for the reader and to make reading experience unique. The text is placed in the center, its natural flow is structured with the idea of respect due to the author’s choice and text identity. Avoiding compromises by doing fixed PDF!

© 2006 – 2021 All contents copyrighted by EditingPlus.eu in Europe and in the world | Created and edited by Frédéric Lanta. Copy of articles, graphics, photos, or any material without the editor’s permission is forbidden | EditingPlus website is registered at the National Library of France, Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BNF) | The font ICone used in EditingPlus logotype has been created by Jack Usine, courtesy of foundry Smeltery.net | Trade marks & logos named for information goals on this site remain property from their legal company owners | EditingPlus ex-member of the Society for News Design | ToucheNoire.com publishing is owned by EditingPlus. Touch another way to read.