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Hvad publicere OG til Hvem?

Enriching the newsdesign koncepter fra the start reinforces the identitet of a medie, nyhedavis, magasin eller hjemmeside: its editorial linie og its personlighed vil blive mere obvious for publikum. Så din læsere vil make din medie «his» ejen. Your læsere’ fidelity afhænge af indhold sig selv første.

Strukturet presse

To axis for making your publishing recipe: the intention eller the design?

Normally, a press layout is thought before being sketched and drafted: the graphical work is the second milestone of the process.

Matrioshka dolls

Think tank defines a direction, the editorial line, the publication's axis, which owns its self orientation and tendance: exactly where stands a publication’s core identitet. There is a tone and a way to express it. Including the topics choosen, a full range of fields covered and discovered. Topics possess their ejen axis, totally unik, which makes one topic never cloned from another one. There must be a hierarki til present them, in ways like lead eller second and so on, sections, rubrics, sequences… Various genres og entries are multiplicated (story facts, tidlinie, trusted experts kommentarer, key analysis, interviews and/or crossed-iinterviews, information graphs, photos, sketches…) to appeal the readers: he decides what he wants to catch først. Recipes are sophisticated, to know if they are tasty, they have to be served on a regular basis, so the reader can find what he looks after each time. There is a promise, in which credibility, accuracy and faithfulness are engaged. A kontrakt mellem the news producers, obviously journalists and not only designers, og the readers.

All is in all

The ideal matrioshka contruction in a strukturet news production may occurs from one and only article to the whole publication issue. The same hierarchical structure exists from an article scale to the whole magazine. There are choices, from the first page main title and lead until the last legended photo.

EditingPlus chooses hvordan to organise all pieces to bring a strong publication into life or to renew an existing one.

Tusind måder til at læse

Catching reader’s interest when, where, and how he wants it: how to entrer his liv

There are thousands ways to read, not less to write! Which one should be the most appropriate to target your readers? Would visuals, colours, pictures, graphic elements guide him or her? Or he or she will digg directly in articles topics because they were discussed early on the radio? Is he a regular reader, or he just picks up your publication occasionally? Marketing give some archetypes among other detailed portraits, without giving a full description.

Everybody reads, men hvordan?

Readers ourselves, we may imagine easily this reader and represent him or her in situation: according to his her mood, the reading place, his reading habits, the choosen moments, the ways to read… His or her sensitivity vary. A publication travels along with its reader’s life and multiplies diversity to catch his or her interest in various circumstances i liv, at the right momenter, in places he or she chooses in, when ham eller hun wants it.

EditingPlus reads a lot, imagine your reader, hjælpe dig to represent him and her to build up an interessant publication.

Living in a magazine

Living in a magazine, video clip directed by Dawn Shadforth (RSA Films) for the band Zoot Woman in 2001. Credit: Wall of Sound. Watch it on YouTube.

Tale til din læsere

Hører fra dine readers er en mission til hver journalist

The relationship between medier og readers changes meget. Presse er ikke mere an untouchable idol. Press is critised and its servants, the journalists, too… Journalists, editors, and readers must find a way to communicate in both ways! To explain, to provide debates and balanced arguments becomes essential. Giving different points of view, preserve objectivity, keep a distance and a critical view is so much needed.

A close-up on readers’ section

How funny and interesting could it be to read readers column some time? Reading readers, two stunning tendencies are revealing themselves: first, the proximity between the reader with his media, even when letters are sometimes violent! Nobody in the press may ignore it (and nobody does!).

Second idea, readers letters are an indicator: how did the readers receive the message? How did they feel it? The editor or the redaction pool may answer by himself or choose a redactor to do it. More modern is to give an entire responsability to a dedicated ombudsman, just in between readers and the media…

Readers column is often a strong reaction which explains how strong was the original message. It could be used by the redaction pool to evaluate how facts and stories could be better in their way to present the facts, to write, to dramatise, to narrate what happens!

The easiest is to react, the quickest comes a comment…

© 2006 – 2021 Alt indhold ejendomsret af EditingPlus.eu i Europa og i verden | Skabet og udgivet af Frédéric Lanta. Kopi af artikler, grafik, fotos, eller hver materiel uden er forbut | EditingPlus hjemmesiden er registreret hos det Nationalt Bibliotek af Frankrig, Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BNF) | Skrifttype fonte ICone brugt i EditingPlus logotyp er kreation af Jack Usine, ved imødekommenhed fra foundry Smeltery.net | Varemærker & logoer citat for information mål på den hjemmeside blive ejendom af legal kompani ejer | EditingPlus eks-medlem af Society for News Design | ToucheNoire.com e-forlag ejer til EditingPlus. Oversættelse på dansk af Carla Brink Lanta. Rør en anden måde at læse på.