EditingPlus spends time and energy to stay focused
in three main fields:
— editorial design for printed and mobile press
— making of ebooks, digital books
— building its own digital publishing house ToucheNoire* with its collection of ebooks
Our conviction is that our ambition and tools needed to bring life into our creations represent modest financial investments compared to other «startups».
Those investments are not based on vaporware, but a real creation of contents, touchable: call it substance, contents, writing, editorial, or even literature. The main goal is to «touch another way to read».
Let’s make comparisons: take the emptiness of tweets to be forgotten in the next ten minutes, EditingPlus prefers stories. Stories coming from real facts collected by journalists. Or stunning and impressive fictions for digital books.
To know more about investments opportunities in EditingPlus concrete projects, contact us with no delay.
Investors? Welcome
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To grow, EditingPlus is open to venture capitals, private equities investments and business angels.
© 2006 – 2021 Alt indhold ejendomsret af EditingPlus.eu i Europa og i verden | Skabet og udgivet af Frédéric Lanta. Kopi af artikler, grafik, fotos, eller hver materiel uden er forbut | EditingPlus hjemmesiden er registreret hos det Nationalt Bibliotek af Frankrig, Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BNF) | Skrifttype fonte ICone brugt i EditingPlus logotyp er kreation af Jack Usine, ved imødekommenhed fra foundry Smeltery.net | Varemærker & logoer citat for information mål på den hjemmeside blive ejendom af legal kompani ejer | EditingPlus eks-medlem af Society for News Design | ToucheNoire.com e-forlag ejer til EditingPlus. Oversættelse på dansk af Carla Brink Lanta. Rør en anden måde at læse på.